Support CWCA


All content © Chicago Women's Caucus for Art. 2025


Make a Donation, Become a Partner &/or Volunteer


Make a Donation

Make a tax-deductible contribution, of any amount, to help support and grow CWCA! Any amount is appreciated and will help with current exhibitions and future programming. Donate $150.00 or more and become an official National Conference Sponsor. All donors will receive access to our member Facebook page, invitations to selected exhibitions and events, and the satisfaction of helping to support one of Chicago's leading arts organizations.

Please send a check to:
Chicago Women's Caucus for Art (CWCA)
7615 N.Kildare, Skokie, IL 60076
Attn: Arlene Rakoncay

OR donate using PAYPAL:

CWCA Membership


Join WCA & the Chicago Chapter CWCA!
The new membership cycle starts October 1 and ends December 31 the following year.
WCA follows a calendar year, not an anniversary year.
Starting April 1st, WCA will switch to an anniversary year.

Renew your membership or join as a new member at the National WCA member portal.
Don't forget to check the box for Chicago, IL Chapter (ILC) membership:


Regular $60 as a member-at-large w/o a chapter choice 
Regular $50 w/ a chapter choice (choose up to 3 chapters) 
ILC (Chicago chapter CWCA) $25 + $50 (national WCA) — $75 total
Student/Subsidized $35/45 (with current student Id or letter explaining hardship) 
Institutional $75 (libraries and universities only) 
Lifetime Membership $750

To join or renew through your Chicago chapter by regular mail:
Please contact Arlene Rakoncay 847.674.0321
and send a check to:
Chicago Women's Caucus for Art (CWCA)
7615 N.Kildare, Skokie, IL 60076
Attn: Arlene Rakoncay
Checks should be made payable to "Chicago Women's Caucus for Art".

The Rewards of Membership

The national Women's Caucus for Art is proud to sponsor the annual Lifetime Achievement Awards honoring women in the arts.
As a member you are invited to attend conferences, participate in your community.

When you become a member of the national Women's Caucus for Art, you may then opt for chapter membership.
Chapter membership is encouraged as a means of participating directly in your local arts community.

Your annual membership includes:

    • CWCA annual Member Exhibit
    • National Networking through Chapters
    • Regional and Inter-Chapter Activities
    • Access to National Membership Directory
    • Submit your website listing to the National Members' Gallery page
    • Submit work for the Featured Artist section of the National WCA homepage
    • Conferences and Opportunities through the CAA
    • Lifetime Achievement Awards
    • Newsletter and Monthly E-mail Digest with Job and Exhibition Opportunities
    • Community and Leadership Development Opportunities
    • Advocacy for Women in the Arts
    • Access to the WCA Blog
    • Fiscal Sponsorship under 501.c.3

Additional Benefits:

    • Access to Monthly Listings of Art Opportunities through The Art List
    • Access to the “Matrix” Database of Opportunities for Artists and Historians
    • Access to Health Insurance Information through Fractured Atlas
    • Discounts on participating Magazine Subscriptions (Aperture, Ms. Magazine, ARTnews, and more!)

Your Vote Counts!

CWCA Members may submit nominations to the Executive Board for any office by August 31 of each year.
The Executive Board will serve as a Nominating Committee and prepare a slate of officers for ratification by the membership at its November meeting.
Officers newly elected will assume their duties on January 1 of the following year.
Contact Arlene Rakoncay, President, 847.674.0321, arlenerakoncay@aol.comto submit a nomination.

Partnership/Sponsorship Opportunities

We are always interested in partnering with organizations and individuals to create relevant programming for Chicago based and regional artists. If you have an idea or institution that you think would be a good match, please contact Arlene at 847.674.0321 or arlenerakoncay@aol.com.


Volunteering is a great way to share your particular skills and interests and help build the future WCA. Our accomplishments at the national and chapter levels are the result of committed members like you.

WCA programs and activities only happen if members step up and make them happen. Participate in creating and producing WCA activities that support an organization that is important to you. Broaden your existing skills or explore new interest areas, develop leadership skills, and take on new challenges. Joining local or national committees can also open doors for new friendships, networking opportunities and fun. There are opportunities for everyone.

CWCA Organizational Needs

CWCA Members may submit nominations to the Executive Board for any office by August 31 of each year. The Executive Board will serve as a Nominating Committee and prepare a slate of officers for ratification by the membership at its November meeting. Officers newly elected will assume their duties on January 1 of the following year. To submit a nomination, contact Arlene at 847.674.0321 or arlenerakoncay@aol.com
    Chapter President
  1. Serve as executive officer of the chapter.
  2. Preside at chapter business meetings.
  3. Appoint non-elected officers.
  4. Establish ad hoc committees to deal with specific problems no otherwise included in the duties of chapter officers.
  5. Submit a written report of the chapter’s activities and financial status to the membership at least once a year.
    Chapter Vice-President / Membership Coordinator
  1. Assume the responsibilities and duties of the President if the President should be ill or for any reason unable to serve.
  2. Assist the President in establishing ad hoc committees to deal with specific problems and heading such a committee or committees.
  3. Process local membership renewals and forward national membership dues to the national WCA membership secretary.
  4. Determine that all local members also hold national membership.
  5. Maintain current records of chapter membership and forward lists of names
    and addresses of chapter members to national WCA annually.
  1. Keep minutes of chapter business meetings.
  1. Prepare, upon authorization of the chapter President and in cooperation
    with other chapter officers, a yearly budget for activities.
  2. Disburse funds as needed to support chapter activities, with the approval of
    the chapter President.
  3. Manage all financial resources of the chapter and maintain accurate and
    current records of its activities
    Media Coordinator
  1. The Media Coordinator shall have access to various media platforms,
  2. Contribute to edit and coordinate:
    a. The website
    b. Facebook
    c. Instagram
    d. PR
    Exhibitions Committee
  1. Work as a team to plan for local exhibitions in addition to the annula CWCA Memer Exhibit in October.
  2. Coordinate with local galleries, develop interesting/relevant themes, generate budget, develop marketing materials, recruit Jurors, develop exhibition prospectus, hang and manage exhibit.
    Programming Co-Chair
  1. Assist the Programming Chair with development, implementation and partnerships